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The total cost of equipment will vary depending on various factors, including the size of your fitness center and the type of equipment you obtain.Anytime Fitness does not construct, remodel, or decorate your premises.If you do not use Anytime Fitness’s designated architectural vendor to create the Construction Documents, Anytime Fitness will charge you a fee of $2,700 to review the Construction Documents created by another vendor.Anytime Fitness estimates the fees for these documents will be $6,000 to $13,130 for an Anytime Fitness center. You must retain Anytime Fitness’s designated architectural vendor to create a complete set of detailed Construction Documents, and to obtain any required permits, and conform the premises to local ordinances or building codes.Anytime Fitness may transition the Construction Management Services to a mandatory program in the future.ĥ. At this time, participation in the Construction Management Services program is optional, but Anytime Fitness has included the $13,500 cost in the high range estimates.You may be required to participate in Anytime Fitness’s “Construction Management Services” program offered through Anytime Fitness’s approved vendor to oversee the construction of your Anytime Fitness center.However, Anytime Fitness assumed the general contractor will include permitting fees in the construction costs. The above figures do not include extensive renovations. Costs will vary in relation to the physical size and location of the fitness center.Anytime Fitness’s estimate assumes you must pay only 1 month’s rent as a security deposit.Most of Anytime Fitness’s franchisees receive some tenant improvement allowance from their landlord (the average amount received by franchisees in the Anytime Fitness system in 2021 was $17.36 per square foot).However, there is no assurance your landlord will agree to do so. The low estimate assumes that your landlord pays for the full build-out cost for your Anytime Fitness center. The high estimate assumes you will pay the full amount of the buildout in cash without any tenant improvement allowance by your landlord. The above estimates anticipate costs equal to $65 per square foot for the buildout for a full-size Anytime Fitness center.These estimates are based on the average base rents and CAM charges experienced by the Anytime Fitness system in 2021. Anytime Fitness’s estimate assumes you will pay $14.94 per square foot for base rent and $6.05 per square foot for CAM for a full-size Anytime Fitness center.
Anytime Fitness’s estimate for initial expenses for real estate and improvements assumes you will lease a “vanilla shell” or “as is” space, which, at a minimum, includes rooms that will work as an office, bathrooms, studio space, concrete floors, demised exterior walls, HVAC, roof, and utilities stubbed to the premises sufficient for an Anytime Fitness center.Deposit and Leasehold Improvements: $7,871 to $371,142 While Anytime Fitness does not charge for this training, you do have to pay your travel and living expenses while you attend the training.ģ.
In addition, if your Principal Operator is not a Principal Owner, then a Principal Owner must also attend and complete this training to Anytime Fitness’s satisfaction before you open your Anytime Fitness center. The person you designate as the “Principal Operator” of your business must attend mandatory initial training in Woodbury, Minnesota or such other place Anytime Fitness designates.